Micro Quads to Tell a Story
The use of micro quads, or FPV (First Person View) quads is nothing new. The hobbyist community has been building and playing with these little quad copters for years. The gaming industry has made these even more popular in those communities with the advent of online racing and playing leagues.
The adventure sport industry has recently begun to adopt these small drones, due to their small size, incredible speed and amazing acrobatic capabilities as a way to further document the various adventure sports. Instagram and Youtube are littered with these videos showcasing daredevil activities filmed from an incredible perspective.
Hero 8 for smooth 4k video recorded on the quad. DJI full FPV system
So, how do these little quads, often considered toys, play into our services? Well, the answer is simple. Their small size, and unique flying capabilities, allow us to take a very small quad copter, with props protected, carrying a 4k camera into places that we would not have been able to fly into before. Think of the possibility of showcasing your real estate property in the form of a first person tour, complete with smooth flowing video and video angles that could not otherwise (within budget) have been achievable.
What about your small brewery, or manufacturing facility that you need to showcase in a way that makes you stand out from the others in this competitive business world of 2021? We are now excited to offer up these services as a way to compliment our more traditional ‘still life’ storytelling services as well as our more traditional ‘drone/aerial’ services.
With the addition of these small quads, we can now get into spaces in ways that we never dreamed of before. An added benefit is also that in the current age of COVID-19 restrictions, we can perform these activities with a minimal amount of human contact. This will hopefully not be as big an advantage in the coming years, but for now, it is a real issue and a real problem that these little drones allow us to overcome.
Digital imagery is streamed back to FPV goggles for recording and display to internal and external device
If you are curious about how this could apply to your business, non-profit, or event, please drop us an email for a one on one consultation so we can help tell your story from a unique perspective..