Buy A Print
Buy A Print
Help me bring my art to life buy purchasing a curated print from my archive.
Would you like to get a print, curated by me with guidance from you, delivered to your doorsteps. In an attempt to share more of my work, I am selling these prints for $10 plus shipping. If you are interested, you can sign up below and give me some basic guidance on what you are interested, both a Genre’, Color/BW or completely random. In addition you can subscribe to this and each month you will receive a print until you cancel your subscription. Prints will be done on archival grade materials with archival grade inks. Sizing will be between a 4x6 and a 9x6 and will depend on the image and optimal cropping if required. If you have a sizing preference, please place it in the Notes section of the form.
Payments can be made via CashApp or with Bitcoin. Bitcoin pricing will be modified on a weekly basis to reflect an average BTC price for the week. Once I receive your request I will follow back up with a payment invoice and your print will ship the first week of the month.
If you are interested but need more details, then drop me a note. Otherwise, jump right in and help restore the art of printing by filling out the subscription form below.